Those that are more saturated require less oxygen absorption to become rancid 饱和度较高的酸败时所需吸收的氧气较少
Oxygen absorption barotrauma Sinus and middle ear barotrauma are the most common dive-related injuries. 氧吸收性中耳气压损伤鼻窦和中耳的气压性创伤是最常见的和潜水相关的创伤。
Water blooms often develop on the surface, preventing the light penetration and oxygen absorption necessary for underwater life. 水体表面常常出现水华,水华妨害水下生物所必需的阳光的透入和氧的吸收。
The base-point drift magnitude pertains to the same order of magnitude as the low-temperature oxygen absorption quantity of coal and can seriously affect the accuracy of experimental results. 基点漂移量与煤的低温吸氧量属同一数量级,严重影响实验结果的精度。
The aging phenomenon coincided with oxygen absorption. 老化现象与氧的吸收密切相关。
The aging phenomenon coincided with oxygen absorption and was retarded by phenolic substances. 老化现象与氧化吸收密切相关,酚类化合物可以阻缓老化。
The difference of 12-minute running and maximum oxygen absorption at plateau and plain was determined for the purpose of making reference in training. 确定的12分钟跑和最大吸氧量在高原和平原的差值,供训练参考。
The capability to do quantitative measurement was demonstrated by recording the atmospheric oxygen absorption near 760 nm. 通过对大气中氧气在760nm处的吸收谱线的绝对强度测量,验证了该方法的定量测量能力。
The mechanism of the resistance change can be explained by the oxygen absorption model, which has been confirmed by the XPS analysis. 铅锡碲氧吸收模型解释了其电阻变化机理,并进一步得到XPS光电子色谱分析的支持。
Thermal degradation kinetics of oxygen absorption and ester exchange stages were studied in detail. 对第1阶段吸氧阶段和第2阶段酯交换阶段的降解机理和动力学方程进行了详细的研究。
The mechanism of oxygen absorption and deoxygenation is discussed. 讨论了该配合物的吸氧与释氧机理。
This consideration is supported by the results of the oxygen absorption examination, active oxygen content determination and gel time studies. 有关凝胶时间实验,吸氧实验和活性氧测定的结果支持上述论断。
The more the types of unstable constituents, such as unsaturated hydrocarbons, especially conjugated dienes, arenes and so on, and the higher the unstable constituent contents in diesel fuel, the more easily the oxygen absorption reaction takes place. 柴油中含有某些不饱和烃,特别是共轭二烯烃、环烷、芳香烃类等不安定组分的种类越多及含量越高,就越容易发生吸氧氧化反应,安定性能或质量下降越明显。
The oxygen absorption and oxidation of acrylic esters will promptly increase in the presence of phenyl hydrazine and polymerization will proceed by using 0.1-1% of phenyl hydrazine. 苯肼存在下丙烯酸酯的吸氧和氧化速度迅速增加,苯肼浓度约0.1&1.0%范围时,并发生聚合。
Elimination of Oxygen absorption in Chalcogenide Glasses 含锗硫系玻璃中氧吸收的消除
Effect of temperature and oxygen pressure on oxygen absorption aging performances of Asphalts 温度和氧压对沥青吸氧老化性能的影响
And the exact values of the wavelength as well as the spectral width of the ArF laser were measured b using Oxygen absorption spectrum. 设计利用氧气吸收光谱对处于真空紫外的ArF激光实现了波长标定和线宽的准确测量。
The effects of oxygen absorption and oxidation on the resistor films of metal, alloy and cermet, and their operation mechanism are quite different. 氧吸收或氧化对金属电阻膜、合金电阻膜及金属陶瓷膜的影响及作用机理差别很大。
The influence of the electrolytic quantity, the charge current density, the charged states of the negative electrode of the lead/ acid battery and temperature to the velocity of the oxygen absorption for the negative electrode were investigated. 本文研究了电液量、充电电流、负极荷电状态、温度对铅酸蓄电池负极吸氧速率的影响。
Effective measures practiced during filtration and bottle filling to reduce oxygen absorption as little as possible. 在过滤与灌装过程采取有效措施,尽可能减少吸氧量。
Study of Oxygen Absorption in Lower Atmosphere 低层大气中氧气吸收的研究
FTC method was used to determine inhibition effect of red radish pigment to peroxidation of linoleic acid ( 40 ℃) Gas chromatography was adopted to measure inhibition action of red radish pigment in the oxygen absorption during the peroxidation of canola oil ( 93 ℃). 采用硫氰酸铁(FTC)法测定了萝卜红色素对亚油酸过氧化反应(40℃)的抑制作用;采用气相色谱法测定了其对芥菜籽油过氧化反应中(93℃)氧的吸收的抑制作用。
The interaction mechanism of the effects of detergents and ashless dispersant on ZDDP have been studied with the circulating oxygen absorption oxidation test. 采用动态氧化试验考察了清净剂与无灰分散剂对ZDDP作用机理的影响。
The reaction is controlled by oxygen absorption on the surface of Mn 2O 3 particles. O2在Mn2O3颗粒表面上的吸附是该反应的限制性环节;
Clinical observation and analysis of pulmonary oxygen absorption in postoperative patients of cardiac surgery 心脏外科术后肺部氧摄取的临床观察与分析
TGA experiments were conducted to study their oxygen absorption and desorption characteristics under different temperatures and different O2 concentrations. 在TGA上研究了制氧剂颗粒在不同温度下和不同氧浓度下的吸氧特性以及在CO2气氛下的解吸特性。
Experiments in high-temperature experiment platform using vertical cavity surface emitting semiconductor laser ( VCSEL), through the use of wavelength modulation spectroscopy gas absorption spectrum changes with temperature characteristics of oxygen absorption spectra of the second harmonic signal detection. 实验中,在高温实验平台上采用垂直腔面发射半导体激光器(VCSEL),通过波长调制光谱技术利用气体吸收光谱随温度变化的特性,对氧气的吸收光谱信号进行了二次谐波检测。
The variation of oxygen content in YBCO at different temperature and at different oxygen partial pressure is studied by thermogravimetry and by static oxygen absorption device. 利用热重法和静态氧吸附装置研究了在不同温度和不同氧分压环境下,样品的氧含量的变化。
It was proposed that the formation of grain boundary barriers can be attributed to the oxygen absorption during the cooling process, which was supported by AES profile analysis. 我们认为晶界势垒起源于降温过程中的氧吸附,并且此观点得到了AES深度分析的支持。